Nathan Hackett / Health Progress Winter Issue / Helping Youth Thrive

Nathan Hackett

Our artist Nathan Hackett was asked to illustrate for the Health Progress Winter issue. In this project, the articles were drafted and staggered to Nathan to illustrate at the beginning of the month as they were being written and finished with the cover and an animated gif for the online edition.
The first article was written reflections on lessons learnt by sister Lisa Maurer, a nun who also is assistant football coach at St Scholastica college, and her making of ‘a playbook for life’ that she teaches her players.
The second article was entitled ‘Tipping the Scale in Favour of Children’s Health’ and chronicled the efforts and protests by campaigners to fund early children’s education in New Mexico using the vast amounts of unutilised money made from the state’s oil reserves.
The third article discussed the medical fields efforts and doctors frustrations in debunking myths and false information given to teens online and how to keep younger patients safe.This illustration was later animated into an 8 second loop to further tell the story of how the medical professions can break through the social media noise with their qualified advice.
The fourth article was about putting different generations together and how pairing young infants, students, parents and older people brings about meaningful connections and change.
The fifth article depicted schemes and programmes in hospitals that were made by hospitals to encourage and nurture students. They aim to build medical careers and diversify future workforces by making the medical profession achievable to untapped demographics with workshops and apprenticeships, including a giant life size game of Operation.
And the last article was written by Dr Anu French and her journey in Paediatric medicine, which was later used for the cover of the issue.
Each illustration communicated different themes and complex ideas in the articles written by separate authors and so used different colour palettes and compositions to properly celebrate the inspirational stories and people behind them.
Art direction by Charlotte Kelley and Norma Klingsick
