Andy Potts / Reycraft Books / Game On, Zhuri! How To Defeat A Blob Monster

Andy Potts






Andy Potts has illustrated a children’s book for upcoming US author Deshaun Zollicoffer, entitled ‘Game On, Zhuri! How To Defeat A Blob Monster’ and published by Reycraft Books. The story centres around a new video game created by programming whizz, Zhuri. The game develops a mysterious bug which enables a blob monster to kidnap her Uncle Mike forcing Zhuri and her two best friends to enter the game and rescue him. The brief for Andy was to create all the characters and the world of Zhuri from scratch, with a 9 year old audience in mind, and deliver a cover and 20 illustrations over a period of six months. Illustrating an entire children’s book was a new and rewarding challenge for Andy and he had great fun designing the look and feel for both the real world and in-game characters, costumes and settings.

Art director: Katya Schultz
