Stephan Dybus

Stephan Dybus

(He/Him) • Berlin, Germany

Stephan Dybus, a German visual Artist and Illustrator , loves to blend acrylic painting, watercolor, plasticine sculpting, and contemporary 3D art. His humorous, figurative work uses earthy tones, pastels, and vibrant highlights, addressing self-image and optimization. Dybus' art is widely published and exhibited globally.

Selected clients

New York Times, New York Times Magazine, Zeit Campus, Pull & Bear, Hohe Luft Magazin, The Baffler, Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, Zeit Magazin, Zeit Magazin Mann, brandeins, Süddeutsche Zeitung Kinderseiten, SZ Familie Magazin, Saiten Kulturmagazin, Page Magazin, Business Punk Magazin, Kapsel Magazin, Schlappvogel Records/Euphorie, Beatbude Records

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