Anna Goodson Illustration Agency’s 2023 Virtual Christmas Coaster Collection #MakeArtNotWar

For over 20 years, the illustrators of  Anna Goodson Illustration Agency, have been creating original and unique illustrations for their yearly Christmas Coaster Collection to support and promote important causes.

This year's Christmas Coaster Collection "Make Art Not War"  was created to show our  support for the people of Ukraine and the urgency to end the war.

Andy Potts Andy Potts
Chris Madden Chris Madden
Clare Mallison Clare Mallison
Daniella Ferretti Daniella Ferretti
Dominic Bodden Dominic Bodden
Iliana Galvez Iliana Galvez
Inma Hortas Inma Hortas
Jennifer Tapias Derch Jennifer Tapias Derch
JiYeun Kang JiYeun Kang
Kotynski Kotynski
Leonard Beard Leonard Beard
Mai Ly Degnan Mai Ly Degnan
Maren Amini Maren Amini
Marta Antelo Marta Antelo
Martin Tognola Martin Tognola
Monica Hellstrom Monica Hellstrom
Nien-Ken Alec Lu Nien-Ken Alec Lu
Oboh Moses Oboh Moses
Sebastian Thibault Sebastian Thibault
Stephanie Wunderlich Stephanie Wunderlich
Terry Wong Terry Wong
Van Saiyan Van Saiyan
Yiffy Gu Yiffy Gu
Yunyi Dai Yunyi Dai
Alex Antonescu Alex Antonescu
Tony Healey Tony Healey
Myles Hi Myles Hi
Audrey Malo Audrey Malo
Pabloe Lobato Pabloe Lobato
Lucila Perini Lucila Perini
Joe Magee Joe Magee
Nathan Hackett Nathan Hackett
Diego Blanco Diego Blanco
Wayne Mills Wayne Mills
Roberto Cigna Roberto Cigna
Tina Zellmer Tina Zellmer
Jojo Ensslin Jojo Ensslin
Nick Ogonosky Nick Ogonosky
Craigio Hopson Craigio Hopson
Agathe Bray-Bourret Agathe Bray-Bourret
Katy Lemay Katy Lemay
Rahana Dariah Rahana Dariah
Mia Saine Mia Saine
Marella Albanese Marella Albanese

"Now that most or our clients work from home, we wanted to make sure they still received our  annual coaster collection, so we decided to make them virtual.  We also want to encourage everyone who opposes the war in Ukraine to share the illustrations from this collection on social media.  All we ask is that you tag the illustrator" says Goodson the agency's President & Founder.
In the past, the agencies Christmas Coasters Collections have focused on the environment, women's rights, homophobia and Love is Love among many others.

We strongly believe that "Art Speaks Louder Than Words" and we hope that this year's Christmas Coaster Collection will make a lot of noise and support the people of Ukraine.

All of the illustrations from this year's  Christmas Coaster Collection, will be posted on our website and our Instagram account.  Feel free to share any of these illustrations and help support our movement #MakeArtNotWar.

All that we ask is that you tag the illustrator in your post.