David Senior Illustrates – How Design Influences Healthcare Staff Burnout.
David Senior was asked to illustrate this feature illustration for the online and printed magazine article for Health Care Design magazine,’s March 2022. How Design Influences Healthcare Staff Burnout.
The article was about Frontline workers are burnt out. Their work environment can help.
This article provided an overview on how building design considerations can make a positive impact on the quality of life of their staff. There was a big focus on the benefits of natural light, and how it is able to boost staff morale and well-being.
For this image, David decided to bring the few main pillars of the story together to create something unique to the article. It is specifically about working in the healthcare field, and how natural light is able to boost staff morale and well-being. Turning the healthcare symbol into a window with blind being pulled open was the perfect way to visually communicate this topic.
AD/Anne DiNardo