Joe Magee / NBS Comics / The Sound of A River

Joe Magee















Joe Magee has written and illustrated a 20-page comic, ‘The Sound of A River’, with environmental scientist Chris Uttley, for NBS comics

Nature-based Solutions Comics empowers comic creators to combine science and storytelling, re-imagining how people and nature might thrive together.

The comic tells the story of a girl, Monica, who wakes up to a flooded house. Can an otter teach her the secret to preventing the river from flooding her town?

The images were visualised by Joe working with Chris and drawing upon his work to help people understand what rivers look like in their natural state, and how the way people have altered rivers, their banks and course, is a big problem,

Read the comic online here:

A collaboration between The Nature of Cities and NetworkNature, and funded by the European Commission.

#NBSComics @NetworkNatureEU #flooding #naturebasedsolutions #rewilding
