Mia Saine / Target / 2022 Wondershop Artists Series

Mia Saine


Mia Saine Collaborates with Target for 2022 Wondershop Artists Series

Target, Inc. reveals its six featuring artists of all backgrounds, experiences and techniques for the 2022 “Wondershop Artists Series” holiday collection. The six collections include Mia Saine from Anna Goodson Illustration and other featured artists, James Jeffers, Alison Hawkins, John Parra, and Anoosha Syed. The Artist Series elevates the voices and culture of celebrated artists. The catalog features gift-wrapping papers, gift boxes, greeting cards, ornaments, and more. These items are available in all U.S. Target locations and on their website until December 31, 2022.

Design Director: Michael Kimmel
Product Designer: Glorie Forliti

Wondershop Artist Series
