Nathalie Dion / ” I Caught a Rainbow ” / Children’s Picture Book

Nathalie Dion

This Fall, Nathalie will have two picture books published.

This one  “I Caught a Rainbow ” is written by Danielle Chaperon and published by Milky Way Picture Books.
There is also a  French version, ” Te laisser partir, at Comme des géants.”

The story is about a young girl and a rainbow who inspire us to nurture love and know when to let it go.

One sunny morning, a young girl catches a beautiful rainbow and places it in a glass jar. An instant bond is formed and the two become inseparable. But for the rainbow, homesickness eventually sets in—and no matter what the girl does to cheer it up, it can’t escape feeling unwell. To make things right again, she must make a gut–wrenching decision and, in the process, learn the hard way what love truly means.
