We’re thrilled to welcome German Illustrator, Maren Amini to our Gang

Maren Amini


Maren Amini is an illustrator based in Hamburg, Germany.
She graduated from the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg in 2009 with a degree in Illustration and Communication Design.
Maren Amini loves to make people laugh or smile with her work.
Because through humour you can open up more easily to difficult, sad or dry subjects. And once an Artwork made you laughed from the bottom of your heart, it stays with you.


Partial Client List

HHLA (Hamburg Port and Logistics), Fraunhofer Institut, CIMA Financial Management Magazine, Credit Suisse, STERN, SPIEGEL, die ZEIT, GEOlino, Harvard-Business-Manager, Chrismon-Magazin, Telekom, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Verdi, AOK, Greenpeace, Hamburg Wasser, Hamburg Energie, Deutscher Beamten Bund, Robert-Bosch-Stiftung, Granini, Saatchi & Saatchi, Chiesi GmbH, Südtirol Marketing Gesellschaft, Dutch Uncle
