Miguel Monkc / British Week in Cuba / UK Embassy in Havana

Miguel Monkc

Miguel Monkc was invited by the Embassy of UK in Havana to create an advertising illustration to celebrate the cultural connexions between both countries. Miguel concept’s represent two characters which have a lot in common. From left to right, the traditional Cuban peasant also called by locals “guajiro” farms the tobacco plant that is used to craft the famous Cuban cigars. Then, standing in front of the farmer, wearing his iconic dotted bow tie and Homburg hat is Winston Churchill, the great UK war hero. Churchill loved Cuban cigars and was always spotted with one leaning in his suit’s pocket. “Guajiro” is the Cuban translation of “war hero” and Miguel used this coincidence to create the illustration. Colorful and joyful, Miguel represents both characters as if they are bound by a Cigar. The illustration is part of a group of another 8 artworks that were printed in 3×3 meters canvases hanged above the Old Plaza’s iconic balconies of Spanish Style.
Art Direction: Massi & Anne Aichroth